Weirton museum to unveil online WSX Bulletin archive – The Daily Times - Kenya writes

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Weirton museum to unveil online WSX Bulletin archive – The Daily Times

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WEIRTON — As part of local observations of West Virginia Day, the Weirton Area Museum and Cultural Center will officially unveil the new online archive of the Weirton Steel Employees Bulletin.

The unveiling will be held both in-person and livestreamed on the museum’s Facebook page at 10:45 a.m., Saturday.

The online archive is made possible, in-part, through a grant from the West Virginia Humanities Council, as well as through the personal investment of museum Executive Director Emeritus Dennis Jones, who spent his own money to have every edition of the Weirton Steel Employees Bulletin digitized and watermarked.

“This is the beginning of a digital library of online research tools that scholars, genealogists, high school and college students, and other academicians can use to learn more about our city and its role in shaping American history,” explained Savannah Schroll Guz, WAMCC executive director. “Right now, the archive is made possible through a West Virginia Humanities Council mini-grant, but donations and memberships will continue to make the archive available to researchers in ensuing years. Members and donors are the lifeblood of our organization.”

The Weirton Steel Employees Bulletin was published by the steel manufacturer from April 1934 to December 1989. The digital copies of the Bulletin previously were only available on a computer located in the museum.

At 1 p.m., the museum will host William “Hal” Gorby for a discussion on the Upper Ohio Valley’s Polish community. The presentation will include Gorby’s research as part of his book “Wheeling’s Polonia: Reconstructing Polish Community in a WV Steel Town.”

In addition, the museum will offer cake and other refreshments, in honor of West Virginia’s June 20 birthday, until 2:45 p.m.

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